*My personal story of gynecomastia surgery
*My journey of undergoing male breast reduction
*Before and after photographs of male nipple reduction
*Correction of bilateral gynecomastia under local anaesthetics.
*My personal story of revision gynecomastia performed by Dr. Shailesh Vadodaria
*Liposuction assisted open excision of asymmetrical gynecomastia performed by Dr. Shailesh Vadodaria.
Patient's testimonial after gynecomastia surgery at MACS Clinic under local anaesthetics
Testimonial by a satisfied patient following gynecomastia correction at MACS Clinic
*Bilateral gynecomastia performed at MACS Clinic by Dr. Shailesh Vadodaria
*Gynecomastia surgery performed at MACS Clinic under general anaesthetics
Liposuction assisted open excision of left (unilateral) gynecomastia correction under local anaesthetics
Correction of bilateral gynecomastia using liposuction assisted open excision under general anaesthetic
Bilateral gynecomastia correction performed under general anaesthetics using liposuction assisted open excision approach
Right sided gynecomastia correction performed by Mr. Shailesh Vadodaria under general anaesthetics
Testimonial by a happy patient following right sided gynecomastia correction
Left sided gynecomastia correction - only open excision without liposuction under local anaesthetics